Saturday 23 March 2013

Hit-and-Run case: Salman Khan to appear in court on Monday

Bollywood actor Salman Khan
will appear in the Session Court in Mumbai 2002 hit and run case on Monday. Salman who was out of the country for treatment returned to India on Saturday. This would be Salman Khan’s first appearance in court in these long years. For the first time the hearing of the case will take place in the Session court after the actor was charged with 'culpable homicide not amounting to murder'.

Ten years ago, Salman Khan committed this mistake. He run his Land Cruiser over people sleeping at the pavement outside a bakery in suburban Bandra in the wee hours of 28 March, September 2002. In this incident, one person was killed and four injured. Sessions Judge UB Hejib has scheduled the hearing of the case on March 25, and the 47-year-old was asked to be present on that day.
Salman was asked to appear before the Sessions court on March 11, but he did turn up that day as the case was yet to be assigned to any judge.

There would be a fresh trail; evidence will be produced before the Magistrate’s court.
If Salman Khan is found guilty then under section 304 A of Indian Penal Code, he would have to serve jail for two years.
After investigating 17 witnesses, the Magistrate concluded that the charge of 'culpable homicide not amounting to murder' was prima facie made out against the actor.
This is not the only case registered in his name. Salman was charged with a serious offence of killing blackbuck in 1993 in Jodhpur during the shooting with ‘Hum Saath Saath Hain’ with Saif Ali Khan and three others.
Salman Khan - Wallpapers
See More Salman Khan - Wallpapers

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