The reports suggested that the actor-producer was involved in a fight with security personnel at the airport when he was asked to vacate the VIP lounge. Saif is currently shooting in Lucknow for Bullet Raja and was enrouteDelhi on Friday morning. According to the rumours, he was sitting at the VIP lounge when a CISF personnel approached him and asked him to leave as only dignitaries and those authorised by the government occupy that lounge. It is alleged that the actor refused to leave and a verbal pow wow broke out between the two. The situation was brought into control when some senior officials intervened.
Saif is aghast at the rumours. He fumes, “All these rumours are fabricated! I came to the airport and checked in Jet Airways. The airlines staff directed me to a lounge which was completely empty. I was sitting in the lounge, reading a book, when two guys from the airline came and told me I should sit somewhere else as the lounge was only for VIP’s authorised by the government. I smiled and left immediately. I went and sat in one of the public areas outside and I think the airport authorities got worried on seeing me seated there. Maybe they thought I was offended. Soon after the airport manager Vivek Anand came rushing to meet me and asked me to join him for a cup of tea. He said there had been a misunderstanding and he wanted to make good. I told him I was fine where I was and if he wanted to have a cup of tea with me my boy Abdul would get it. We sat down and enjoyed a cup of tea together. I even invited him to my Delhi home. People who are saying I got into a fight should be sued for defamation of character. I am suing the news agency which carried such a false story! Lucknow is such a wonderful city, very beautiful and I am having such a great time shooting there. At the airport I was joking with people and everyone was so friendly. It’s unfortunate that such reports are being carried”
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